Cloud Grid Ceiling Systems
Canopy and cloud ceiling options can be very effective for noise reduction since they absorb sound from the front and back of the panels. Diamond Ceilings & Contracting offers a wide range of shapes, colors, and materials to create the visual impact you're looking for your home or business.
Creating a unique look for a space is easier for architects, project managers, and builders with acoustic ceiling clouds and ceiling canopy panels. These hanging ceiling tiles come in a various sizes, shapes, colors, and finishes. Their versatility means suspended ceiling clouds can fit into almost any type of project, turning your dream into reality for you to enjoy.
For sound reduction in large spaces such as automotive dealerships, shopping malls, convention centers, or theaters, choose Acoustical Ceiling Clouds offered by Diamond Ceilings & Contracting. These panels can be customized to any type of project. Each tile provides simple and efficient sound reduction.
Custom Ceiling Clouds By Diamond Ceilings
Now you can reduce reflective sounds in large open areas & rooms. Suspended horizontally from the ceiling. Diamond Ceilings Clouds effectively reduce any type of reflected sound in large areas. These suspended ceiling cloud tiles are available in custom sizes and shapes to accommodate any type of project. Contact Diamond Ceilings & contracting today for your free quote on cloud grid systems for you home or office.